In a previous post , I analyzed how a query of the famous DBT3 benchmark was optimized by MySQL. It was this query, named "Q16" in the DBT3 jargon: select p_brand, p_type, p_size, count(distinct ps_suppkey) as supplier_cnt from partsupp, part where p_partkey = ps_partkey and p_brand <> 'Brand#23' and p_type not like 'LARGE PLATED%' and p_size in (43, 1, 25, 5, 35, 12, 42, 40) and ps_suppkey not in ( select s_suppkey from supplier where s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%' ) group by p_brand, p_type, p_size order by supplier_cnt desc, p_brand, p_type, p_size; Here is a brief recap of conclusions I had drawn: for this query, MySQL tranforms the IN condition to EXISTS and then evaluates it with the "unique_subquery" technique, which does an index lookup into the subquery's table. IN is evaluated 120,000 times (once per combined row of the outer tables). The total execution time of query Q16...
The price is 10143, source. After smoking or ingesting marijuana, exercise will boost your metabolism, burn fat, and thus speed up detoxification. THC is stored inside your fat cells, making exercise an essential component to detox quickly. You can try cardio or weight training to get your heart rate up and start burning fat. For people who have more body fat, it will take longer to fully experience a THC detox. Exercise will help decrease traces of THC detectable in the body, while also allowing for a smooth transition when discontinuing use. This is not a guaranteed fix, but it could help you pass a drug test. As a bonus, exercise aids in the production of anandamide, which participates in the body’s natural endocannabinoid system by binding to cannabinoid receptors. These are the same receptors THC within cannabis acts on. Essentially, you can experience a euphoric bliss, similar to the one marijuana provides. It’s important to avoid greasy foods when going through a THC detox.